Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Giveaway and Awards, OH MY!

WOW! Today has been wild! I have have gained a few more followers and they have given me my first two blog awards!

 I received The Versatile Blogger Award from The Busy Busy Hive! Thank you so very much! My very first award!

Okay so here are the rules to this award that I need to follow:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

Here are 7 random facts:
1. I had an extra tooth removed before I had braces...you said random =]
2. I hate to snorkel (it freaks me out that I do not know what is swimming beneath me)
3. I love to craft and decorate!
4. Up until May, when I got an iPhone, my phone only called and texted =]
5. I never wanted to teach 1st grade, I thought the youngest I could teach was 2nd, but I could not be happier in 1st! Someone up in heaven was watching out for me! XOXO G.P.
6. I have an addiction to the Target Dollar Spot!
7. My new hobby is sewing my own clothes! Thanks soon-to-be-mommy-in-law!

I also received the One Lovely Blog Award from Teaching in Progress! Thank you very much!

The rules for this Award:
1. Follow the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3. Share the love! Pass the award onto 15 new bloggers!

Since I got two awards at once I might be cheating, but these 15 blogs will receive both awards!

Strive to Sparkle! (Love the name!)

Learning in Wonderland! She is also hosting her first giveaway! Check it out here!

Okay! I hope you are still reading through all of this because I want to remind you all of my giveaway! $25 to Target and my Spelling Pattern Fun packet from TpT! Make sure to click here to enter! Since this is a long enough post, I will be back tomorrow with a belated Made-it Monday! Woohoo!


  1. Thank you for the awards! I'm glad to be your newest follower. I identify with your #5 fact. I never thought I could teach lower than 2nd grade. But in about 15 years I've spent 2 years in 2nd (one as a 1st/2nd combo), 3 years in Kinder, and the rest in first and I'm still surprised at how much I've liked all of it. Thanks again!
    First Grade Found Me

  2. Thanks for the awards! I'm super excited about it! Since I'm a newbie, I have to make sure I can figure out and follow the rules of the award. LOL! Thanks!

    1. You're welcome! I am semi new too (and sometimes a little technologically challenged), but it wasn't that bad, just took time more than anything!

  3. Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for passing them along to me! I'm so honored! I know what you mean with that Target $1 spot, I end up spending waaaay more than $1 every single time I walk by it:) I'm so jealous of your sewing skills! I want to learn how to sew too:)

    1. The best blog to follow...or at least the one that really helped me is http://elleapparel.blogspot.com/ she is wonderful and really lays it all out there! I have only made skirts, but I think I am going to try a dress soon! AHH scary!

    2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this link!

  4. Thanks for nominating me for the awards! I was so excited when I woke up this morning and saw that!

    Spotted in First Grade

  5. Thank you so much for the award!

    A Work of Heart

  6. OH my gracious! I'm so late in thanking you for this award! Thank you so much! I'm working on the thank you post now.

    I had to have 4 teeth removed before my braces and my teeth are still trying to move 25 years later! Grrr!

    I love your blog!

    Strive to Sparkle
