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Monday, October 29, 2012

Word Work ideas and a Great Find!

It has been a crazy two weeks! I had my very first picture day! Had one of those "I want to go home and never come back here" days. My school had a fall festival on Friday! Today, I had my first formal evaluation. And, today one of my cuties gave me the cutest little gifts!

Every Friday we wear out school shirts! Every Friday one of my cuties comes in with the cutest red and white (our school colors) bows on her head! Every Friday I tell her to be careful because I just might want to take one and wear it! So this is what I received this morning when she walked into the room! I cannot wait until Friday! I may be an "adult," but I am still a total child at heart!

Anyone else out there have troubles coming up with fun activities for word work each week? I sure do! This week it took me a while to come up with enough ideas, but this week my kiddos are so excited! I found three old keyboards in the cabinets in my room so Type your Words came to be! I was at the dollar tree this weekend and found those bingo dot markers, TOTAL HIT! My teammate had these wonderful construction paper crayons! 

They show up so bright and colorful on black construction paper! Those are the kiddos favorites this week! I also did the activity Trash or Treasure for nonsense words! Hop on over to Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten to check that out!

I have also been needing to start read to someone! I have been trying to figure out partners and reminding kiddos who reads when and all that! At the dollar tree this weekend I found these beauties! Are they not the most adorable things ever? 

These definitely saved me time from printing and cutting! All I did was laminate and cut! I hope the kiddos love them as much as I do!

I cannot wait for Halloween! I am at a small school so K-1 is doing a group costume! Here is a sneak peak at what I will be wearing on Wednesday! Some old white vans...turned PINK and SPARKLY!

I hope you all have a great Halloween, come back to check out our awesome K-1 costume! 


  1. Aw such a cute bow! Love the pink sparkly shoes!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Love the peanut butter and jelly cards so cute! Will have to see if our Dollar Tree has some of those!
